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Company Background
The design investment in your home should stand the proof of time. I prefer clean elegance, comfortable living and quality interiors with an outdoor influence.
Client profiles have varied through the years in both demographics and personal style. Since 1993 I've had the privilege of working with many wonderful clients, implementing their own individual design needs and turning their dreams into reality. It's more of a passion of mine which I find very rewarding in seeing the completion of a project with dramatic results.
No two projects are alike. The collaboration between myself and my clients insures every detail is discussed. Having worked on numerous remodels and custom homes I have found that starting with a complete specification packet saves both time and money for all whom are involved including contractors and architects.

“Your home reflects your own personal style”Genoveve Serge
Welcome Home Malibu
Country Club Estates
The Oaks Calabasas
What Our Clients are Saying...